\begin{filecontents}[option]{filename} text \end{filecontents}
\begin{filecontents*}[option]{filename} text \end{filecontents*}
Create a file named filename in the current directory (or the output directory, if specified; see output directory) and write text to it. By default, an existing file is not overwritten.
The unstarred version of the environment
prefixes the content of the created file with a
header of TeX comments; see the example below. The starred
version filecontents*
does not include the header.
The possible options are:
Overwrite an existing file.
¶Omit the header. Equivalent to using filecontents*
¶Only check the current directory (and the output directory, if specified) for an existing file, not the entire search path.
These options were added in a 2019 release of LaTeX.
This environment can be used anywhere in the preamble, although it
often appears before the \documentclass
command. It is
commonly used to create a .bib
or other such data file from the
main document source, to make the source file self-contained.
Similarly, it can be used to create a custom style or class file,
again making the source self-contained.
For example, this document:
\documentclass{article} \begin{filecontents}{JH.sty} \newcommand{\myname}{Jim Hef{}feron} \end{filecontents} \usepackage{JH} \begin{document} Article by \myname. \end{document}
produces this file JH.sty:
%% LaTeX2e file `JH.sty' %% generated by the `filecontents' environment %% from source `test' on 2015/10/12. %% \newcommand{\myname}{Jim Hef{}feron}