\begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract}
Produce an abstract, possibly of multiple paragraphs. This environment
is only defined in the article
and report
document classes
(see Document classes).
Using the example below in the article
class produces a displayed
paragraph. Document class option titlepage
causes the abstract
to be on a separate page (see Document class options); this is the
default only in the report
\begin{abstract} We compare all known accounts of the proposal made by Porter Alexander to Robert E Lee at the Appomattox Court House that the army continue in a guerrilla war, which Lee refused. \end{abstract}
The next example produces a one column abstract in a two column document (for
a more flexible solution, use the package abstract
\documentclass[twocolumn]{article} ... \begin{document} \title{Babe Ruth as Cultural Progenitor: a Atavistic Approach} \author{Smith \\ Jones \\ Robinson\thanks{Railroad tracking grant.}} \twocolumn[ \begin{@twocolumnfalse} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Ruth was not just the Sultan of Swat, he was the entire swat team. \end{abstract} \end{@twocolumnfalse} ] { % by-hand insert a footnote at page bottom \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \footnotetext[1]{Thanks for all the fish.} }