Sets the length \len to the height of box that LaTeX gets on
typesetting the text
argument. The length name \len
has to be a control sequence (see Control sequence, control word and control symbol), and as such
must begin with a backslash, \
under normal circumstances.
This will print how high the characters go.
\newlength{\alphabetheight} \settoheight{\alphabetheight}{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \the\alphabetheight
If no such length \len has been declared with \newlength
, if
for example you mistype as
, then you get something
like ‘Undefined control sequence. <argument> \alphabetheight’. If
you leave the backslash out of \len, as in
then you get something like
‘Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \setbox’.