template ¶This is a somewhat elaborate template for a book. See book
for a simpler one.
This template uses \frontmatter
, \mainmatter
, and
to control the typography of the three main areas
of a book (see \frontmatter
, \mainmatter
, \backmatter
). The
book has a bibliography and an index.
Also notable is that it uses \include
and \includeonly
(see Splitting the input). While you are working on a chapter you
can comment out all the other chapter entries from the argument to
. That will speed up compilation without losing
any information such as cross-references. (Material that does not
need to come on a new page is brought in with \input
instead of
. You don’t get the cross-reference benefit with
\documentclass[titlepage]{book} \usepackage{makeidx}\makeindex \title{Book Class Template} \author{Alex Author} \includeonly{% % frontcover, preface, chap1, % appenA, } \begin{document} \frontmatter \include{frontcover} % maybe comment out while drafting: \maketitle \input{dedication} \input{copyright} \tableofcontents \include{preface} \mainmatter \include{chap1} ... \appendix \include{appenA} ... \backmatter \bibliographystyle{apalike} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} \bibliography \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} \printindex \include{backcover} \end{document}